
推廣 熱搜: 天仁  廣州天仁  廣州  保密銷毀  電子產品  文件銷毀  塑料回收  廣州文件  廣州文  廣州電子產品銷毀 


單價: 66.00
品牌: 未填寫
銷量: 累計出售 0
評價: 已有 0 條評價
人氣: 已有 216 人關注
更新: 2022-08-01
數量: 減少 增加件 庫存10件
立即購買   加入購物車

In accordance with the "Consumer Rights and Interests Law", "Product Quality Law", "Trademark Law" and other relevant provisions in the commodity doping, adulteration, fake, substandard goods, or passing off substandard goods as qualified goods; Producing commodities that have been explicitly eliminated by the State or selling commodities that have become invalid or deteriorated; Forging the origin of the commodities, forging or falsely using the factory name and address of another person, tampering with the date of production, forging or falsely using quality marks such as certification marks; Where the commodities sold are subject to inspection or quarantine, but the inspection or quarantine is not inspected or the inspection or quarantine results are forged; Where a product is adulterated or adulterated, or a substandard product is passed off as a qualified product, it shall be ordered to stop production and sale, and the product illegally produced or sold shall be confiscated; All the above products are required to be safely destroyed. Major law enforcement departments of industry and commerce, public security, commerce, quality supervision, food and drug shall, in addition to imposing economic and criminal penalties on the manufacturing of infringing commodities and forging of registered trademark marks, uniformly destroy the fake and shoddy products in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.
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